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NiceLabel Designer is the design element of all NiceLabel on premise products and provides an easy-to-use, intuitive design and print application for users to create barcoded labels and documents. Create bespoke labels or use predefined label templates to comply with industry standards and link directly with your data source, to ensure information is always correct and the risk of errors is removed.
Designer Pro is a multi-user license, which is printer rather than user based, meaning that the designer can be installed on as many PCs as required but they can collectively only print to an agreed number of printers, with label templates, images and databases in a centralised location to ensure that all users have access to the correct information.
NiceLabel Designer automatically positions, aligns, word wraps or adjusts the font size of your text to ensure your dynamic data fits into the designated area. Intelligent features like relative object positioning, variable label length and double-sided printing help reduce the number of template variations you need to create.
With NiceLabel Designer, you don’t have to design different labels for different printer models. Our label templates are universal. You can use the same template with any printer brand or model, even if they have different resolutions. So, no matter which printer you use (thermal printers, RFID printers, laser and inkjet printers), you get the same label every time – and the best printer performance.

Hints and tips of how to set up and print labels can be found within the Loftware NiceLabel Knowledge Base.